Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Wait for it.....

Wait for it........

Then it happens. You know it's coming. Eventually it's going to happen, then it does. I suppose it's a relief in someway, now I don't have to wait anymore, but I still hate it when it does happen.

Wondering what I'm talking about? Well, I finally got the 'I told you so' phone call from my mother. Somehow/someway every mother seems to think they are the expert on relationships and needs to give you every piece of advice that may pop into her head. My mother is the same way.

Started out nice enough. Her inviting me me Easter brunch, this year were going out instead of cooking at home. Then she just came out with it. The 'I told you not to loose yourself in that relationship'... 'I told you not to depend on him as much as you did' ... and 'I knew there was someone else' and my personal favorite....'I told you he'd loose interest if you didn't do something about it.' "It" being my weight ladies and gentlemen.

Now I LOVE my mother. But my mom has a way of just picking at me to the point I want to punch her. I was actually starting to feel better. I went an entire 36 hours without crying my eyes out or talking about him...then she starts in on me. Finally I just lost it (mind you I'm at work so I can't really LOOSE it) I told her as far as I was concerned at this moment Dayne was a selfish bastard who didn't care about anyone else but himself and getting his dick wet. I'm upset because I've never had to experience the cruel side of Dayne until now. And if she didn't mind .. I was sick of hearing the I told you so's, and if she didn't have anything else to talk to me about, our conversation was done. Mom's are great aren't they.

She's also upset I won't come spent the night on Saturday before brunch. Um....Mom, in case you didn't know this....IT'S MY BIRTHDAY that night. I'm not spending Saturday night, let alone my birthday on your couch in the middle of no where Wisconsin. THANKS, but I'm down enough that would be a kick in the teeth.

On a lighter note though, I did end up going out with Stan on Saturday for Sandy and Structure's birthday. I wasn't going to go, because of this funk I've been in....but then I figured HELL I'm damn cute I'm only 27 and I'm going to go out and shake my groove thing for the first time in forever. And that's exactly what I did. Strolling into the house at 6am when the suns coming up isn't something I've done for ages.

I had a great time. Put several notches back in my self esteem with the compliments I received...and even was flirted with by a few cute men. Yeah I might have a few extra pound I'm carrying around mom....but it didn't seem to stop people from looking in my direction :)

I'm out.

1 Say what you will...:

Anonymous said...

why dont you just let it go and move on??