Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I'm sick.

This time not even emotional sick like I have been, but REALLY sick. My chest is heavy, my eyelids are hot, my body aches. I think I may have the flu. Damn you Cathy for bringing your germs to work with you.

The one thing I hate about being sick....I can't make up my damn mind worth crap. One moment I want to be alone with my sickness and for the whole world to go away. The next I want to be held and someone to make soup for me.

Granted I'm an indecisive person anyway, ask anyone. I can't make up my mind in a movie store! But when I'm's about a bazillion times worse. I'm a cranky beeacth. I NEED to be better because I'm haveing people over on Saturday and I have brunch on Sunday! I need to be better by tomorrow because I have a kinda of/sort of date....Damn you flu for choosing the worst time ever!

If I feel bad tomorrow...I'm calling off. Screw you cold I'm gonna kick your ASS!

0 Say what you will...: