Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I have a question. Question is...why is it I know I need to say goodbye to Dayne for now anyway so we can both start new....but I REALLY want to call and talk to him and see how he's doing?

Is that normal? Can you possibly be mad at someone and at the same time CRAVE to hear their voice? It it possible the someone could frustrate and hurt you so much, but the sound of their voice soothes you in some way?

Is this becoming an obsession? Why can I not go one day without saying his name? Why do I hurt more now than when we actually broke up? This is all too much......

I did finally fall asleep last night. Thanks to Matt....he came over and held me, let me know I wasn't alone and just laid there stroking my hair until I finally fell asleep. (and for people who keep there's nothing sexual going on...I make it a point not to flirt with taken men!) It was comforting....and for once I closed my eyes without thinking of ... well let's just not mention that. Granted I only got about 4 hours sleep, but it was more than I've had in days! Now I just have to let my tummy calm down enough that I don't throw up when I eat....I'm getting step at a time.

This healing process sucks!

On a completely unrelated note. I did get my MRI results back. Their are some MINOR irregularities, things they are going to want to watch out for because they may cause future problems. But my brain is there....and functional. They are saying I'm probably experiencing migranes due to extreme stress. Best part!? There's NOTHING I can do about it expect find a stress reliever. Well...thanks doc. I used to have sex for that....someone wanna help me out with this?!

2 Say what you will...:

Anonymous said...


Just Dawn said...

Stop trying to be anonymous Kivi....I know it's you. AND NO!