Thursday, March 31, 2005

So much little time!

Who the heck decided the day could only be 24 hours! It's just not enough time to cram my life into it.

So far this week I've had something to do every night that I leave work. I'm damn tired.

Not like I'm about to make it better for myself by going back to school. But, I'm making a plan for the future. A REAL one. Unlike my fake plans for the future I made myself believe were going to happen for the last year. This one involves me and only me so no one can suddenly come in and take them away from me but me. (is that enough me's?) Can't complain about your life if your not going to get off your fat ass and do something about it.

Tonight I go to financial aid and write away my life. (well technically schools only 10 grand so not my whole life.) I should start school at the the beginning of May. I'm excited to start a new begining, bummed that my summer is pretty much going to suck! I just have to keep in mind this will bring me one step closer to marrying a doctor :)

After financial aid....I must grocery shop. No if's and's or but's about it. I HAVE to. My cupboards are bare as bare can be, not to mention I have stuff planned for Sunday so I won't be able to do it then either. Like I many things so little time. Regardless of it all I have two things to look forward to. One...a good time this Sunday at the Wolves game with Heather and Kivi, and two next weekend off for the Cubbies home opener!

I may or may not get to go, due to the money situation....but I'll still take the weekend of rest for my Cubbies and at least watch it from my apartment with the windows open for the real life effect of being outside freezing with my team.

0 Say what you will...: