Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Funny thing happened while I was moving in July, I found my old diary. I'm not talking about the diary from like high school, I'm talking OLD...like 4th grade old. It had Maggie Simpson on it (does that date me?) and the things I wrote in it were just quite pondering. Like did I really think (even at the age of 10) I was ever going to care what I had for lunch, or what I did in recess/gym that day. Was it that monumental in my mind at that age? I suppose that why there are diaries....but then again I think I just felt an obligation to write in it since it was giving to me and so I wrote whatever trival detail of my life there was to write like who's butt I happened kick in tetherball that day.

Speaking of which do kids still play tetherball? That game RULED! Or is that one of those things taken from playgrounds because it was too dangerous to make our next generation of kids wusses? Whoops got off the subject....

Anyway, I decided maybe that's why I was so 'carefree' as a child, well besides the fact I had no bills to pay for, but I always wrote out everything, so why not start up a modern version. Although it's slightly different, for one I'm not hiding with it's mini padlock between my mattresses, I have a feeling that would be uncomfortable for sleeping purposes, I'm letting the world get in my head. Ok, so it's a long shot, but it makes me feel good at least....so sit back relax, and laugh at my pathetic life (and spelling mishaps...tee..hee)

0 Say what you will...: