Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I wonder about people sometimes.

Actually I wonder about people A LOT! I wonder why they treat people the way they do and think they can get away with it. For instance I'm a waitress at night. For some reason some people think this job sets you in a category next to pond scum so therefore they can treat you like the you really don't exist. I do my best to give you good service.

Here's some advice for you people who obviously don't eat out often.

1. When I say ONE coupon per table, it doesn't mean you can get separate checks and count it as another table. It actually mean you have to sit and ANOTHER table. Were not trying to scam you, so don't keep trying to scam us.

2. I don't cook the food I serve it. I understand if something is not to your liking and if you would like me to fix it I'd be more than happy too, if and only if you ask me to in a pleasant manner. Freaking out on me is not going to make me very happy and in turn won't make you very happy. I guarantee that.

3. I will continue to check up on your table, it's part of my job, I don't mind. But DON'T, I repeat, DON'T interrupt me when I'm speaking to another table because you need more dressing. IT'S RUDE! Not only to me because I'm speaking to someone else, but to the table I'm serving. How would you like it if it was done to you....DOUBT YOU WOULD!

4. Going along with that....if I ask you if you need anything else, please ask me for everything at once. Not send me for napkins, I come back, send me for dressing, I come back, send me for a refill on your soda.....etc...etc. It's annoying not to mention takes time away from serving other people. If I ask you if you need a refill and you say no, don't ask me for one 5 minutes later. Let me refill your drink then when I have time. Not 5 minutes from now when I'm trying to take a table of 8's order.

5. Speaking of large parties.....CALL A RESTAURANT before you and the fam show up. If there's more than 6 people, you should always call a restaurant and let them know your coming. It's only fair, that way we can have a table waiting for you, you don't have to give the host attitude because we can't accommodate you at that moment, and everyone ends up happy in the long run. Side note with those parties, don't make me stand there if you all aren't ready to order. Just because YOUR ready doesn't mean everyone else is. When the place if full I don't have time to stand at your table staring at 2 people while they try and decide if they want the Monte or the Ruben. IF your not ready, I'll come back, I don't mind. I do mind standing there like an idiot staring at you while you try and make up your mind.

6. This actually goes along with both of my jobs. DON'T tell me how to do my job! I've been waiting tables for almost 11 years, I'm pretty good at it. There's nothing worse than a table telling me how to wait a table. I should tell them what's in the salad cause they didn't know it came with bacon even though it states it CLEARLY on the menu. I should bring ranch and blue cheese with their wings cause not everyone likes blue cheese. (or as my day job goes...they don't need a customer # to order, they never have before....well no one can order with out an account so YES you DO!) I'm not a mind reader, I don't know what you like. And frankly if your that picky and need every modification in the world....EAT AT HOME. Unless you've lived in a hole the last 10 years your aware of the Ecoli virus, I can't cook your burger rare...SORRY....Bennigan's the corporation won't chance it. So don't tell me I can just go back in the kitchen and tell the cook to cook it less. Trust me Jose will tell me NO and laugh at me cause I know better.

and finally (for now) 7. If you go to a restaurant and you see it closes at 11 and you show up at 10:45....DON'T GO IN! It's ridiculous (or ask those of us at the Bennigans say ricockulous) The kitchen gets pissed they have to dirty the kitchen they just clean, I'm pissed cause I have to sit there for another hour while you take you sweet time to eat an pay. If you see a place is closing within minutes....don't torture the place by going in an having a casual dinner. Quick to go...maybe, but sitting there for an hour after the doors are locked and chairs are up NOT COOL. Most of us have day jobs that we would like to get some sleep for before I have to go to it!

Ok, ranting over....I feel better educating you all a little....back to work for me.

0 Say what you will...: