Friday, January 13, 2006

Yikes! Apparently my blog has gotten me into a little bit of a conundrum!

I would like to clear the air with someone I can not contact due to a work problem. I hope he reads this blog and has no question it's about him.

What I wrote in my last entry was NOT about you. I REPEAT IT WAS NOT ABOUT YOU! I'm sorry you assumed it was. I DID hear some unflattering rumors, but the only person I discussed that with is my mom. Not Chris, not Heather, not any other co-worker, no one. I was going to talk to you about it, but my mother advised me I should steer clear even if I was concerned because it could blow up in my face. I mean REALLY who am I anyway to stick my nose in your business anyway?! Apparently, it was going to blow up in my face regardless and I shouldn't have taken the advise and come straight to you with it. I'm sorry I didn't because maybe if I would have this whole 'ordeal' wouldn't have happened.

I assure you, my last post, I was speaking of someone else. After reading it I could see how you could've assumed it was you, but that's assuming you thought I knew something. I PROMISE YOU IT'S NOT! Your business is your business. I believe this little 'ordeal' may have killed any friendship we may have ever developed in the future, which at this point was very slim in the first place considering I was not very nice in the past. I admit I was wrong then, I have had no intention of being anything but out of the way now. I wish you and yours nothing but the best. I had no intention of being mean, malicious, spreading rumors, or hurting anyone. You and I had something special, I loved you deeply and passionately. Because of that I said things in the past that were at the very least inappropriate to say at work or otherwise. I now love someone else even more who loves me just as much back. Since then, I long ago recanted those statements with everyone I may have said anything to, which quite frankly wasn't that many people. I still have a lot of care and concern for you. I realize now, it's probably best that I pretend as you and I never were, and just have my memories. Most of which were good.

I'm sorry the steps that were taken today had to be taken, but I have to protect myself and my job, I'm sure you understand.

Please next time you want to talk to me, if you want to ever talk to me, or you think I was saying or doing something unfavorable to or about you or anyone you care about, contact me OUTSIDE of work. I would be more than willing to sit down and discuss like an adult anything you wish and clear the air on anything.

Again, for what it's worth... I'm sorry.

Good luck to you with everything you do.

0 Say what you will...: