Monday, February 07, 2005

Today is exactly one week until my least favorite holiday.

Ok, honestly can we REALLY even call it a 'holiday'. Some ass made up this stupid holiday, and the rest of the world goes along with it. Most girls 'expect' gifts and most guys 'expect' nookie after buying said gifts.

I think it's a big bunch of garbage. Honestly if my boyfriend can't buy me flowers on Tuesday, just because...and then suddenly shows up with them on some chintzy holiday because he feels like he HAS to buy them.....I'll pass. That just seems so fake to me.

Not only that though...I hate walking into ANY store and seeing all of the plastic hearts and paper cupids. It makes me want to gag. As if I wasn't feeling bad enough with my new singledom, here comes the holiday of distustingly sappy Hallmark card, happy couples, and bad mushy romantic comedies. Talk about depressing.

This holiday is bad enough when your with someone. The expectations on getting gifts, the stress of buying them, and the plans to be made. Or for that matter to plans that your not making due to the fact you and your significant other think the holiday is stupid, but still secretly wanting flowers to show up at work or a gift at your door. (don't lie people you know it's true)

But when your single, or in my case newly single and still very much in love. IT SUCKS! All the cheezy love crap just makes me cry and want to be cuddled all that much more. Not to mention the CONSTANT reminder of how alone you feel. I hate you Valentines Day.....I really do.

0 Say what you will...: