Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In response part duex....


Here's the deal. There were a LOT of thing said on this site both could be looked at as mean, hurtful and possibly bitter. All not true.

Anyone who knows me or who may or may not read this blog knows I am HIGHLY verbal and opinionated. BUT those of you who may not have seen or talked to me in a long time might take what I say as offensive and hurtful.

For that I'm truly and deeply sorry.

Honestly ... I just feel deeply and passionately for some things just like you might about others. I did have a strong reaction to the last comment on my blog about gay bashing....I decided in everyones best interest, it's really not worth posting.

Why you ask?

Because it then gets into this he said/she said of opinions.

That's what it all comes down to. Me trying to express my view, you with yours....

When it comes down to it, it's everything I've ever respected in a CONVERSATION!!!! You listening to my opinion without disrespecting it. Granted I could take a lot what is said as disrespect, but I don't ... and I won't.

That would be like me asking you to choose between me and a friend, or family member, or life partner..... I would never say that....

"Choose me or....."

"I'm better because...."

"You KNOW I'm right because...."

All totally irrelevant!

One thing I pride myself on is having a HUGE diverse group of friends. Best thing about my friends, they all don't agree on everything....but we all respect what we believe.

Josh, to you especially. I RESPECT everything that you believe. Doesn't mean I don't think some of it is unfounded, but I think you are entitled to your beliefs and opinion! Thank you so much for making my blog very interesting for the 1st time in years! :) I've never thought of you as anything other than an intelligent amazing human being ... and I would hope you felt the same...

and by the way....the email I sent to get other to review it...said nothing other than this is what a FRIEND though of what I posted....I just what you 'first' reaction. The only reason, is to make my anger and frustration me it worked. I do understand, I don't agree, but understand.

0 Say what you will...: