Saturday, July 22, 2006

Lost.....but found

I found the most amazing, heart wrenching, tear jerking, wonderful gift today.

Something I got a LONG time ago from someone very special to me and has always held a place in my heart. Years ago, I lost contact with this friend, but he never left my heart.

A few years ago I got the worst email I've ever gotten in my life. This man that made such an impact on my life at one point in time, had taken his own life. I never did find out why, hell I never even found out where the funeral was. I just know I cried more than I had cried in a long time and even though this friend and I hadn't talked in years, I had a void in my soul now that he was gone.

Randy was an amazing soul, for those of us who were fortunate enough to meet and let Randy in our lives, we are better more amazing people because of it.

The gift I found today.....a wonderful Valentine's Day card he hand made for me with this note inside.....


I've written this card about four times and still can't get it right. Everything I try to express my love with words, they sound empty. It's hard to verbalize pure emotion. Instead, I've decided to put my promise to you in writing.

I will always love you. If you need or want anything, a friend, protection, a shoulder to cry on, a hug, money, food, shelter, an escape, or just someone to talk to, I will be here to give that to you. No matter what, you will always have my heart.

You are the nicest, most beautiful, and caring friend a person could ask for and I am honored that you let me into your life, even though I don't deserve someone as good as you.

Dawn, I love you.

Happy February 14th

......all I have to say to that is, if all of this was true Randy .... I would be describing you, not the other way around.

I hope your soul is free now, and your at peace. Someday I'll be there to join you to tell you what I should have told you over and over since I got this card, how much I love you too.

0 Say what you will...: