Monday, March 06, 2006


Admit it... did...

You missed me ranting and raving about something ricockulous (feel free to use it) problem or issue in my life right now.

Well one of my only issues was NO INTERNET CONNECTION. Well besides the one at work and since we all know we can get 'dooced' for that and not to mention my work blocks everything, no blogging for you!

absence makes the heart grow fonder people.

So, what's been going on your wondering? Well once again, I moved. I like to think my furniture could use the 'change of scenery' one a year...or sometimes sooner. That makes 5 times in 4 years people. For the re-cap people.....

1. Wisconsin (don't ask I don't know how I ended up there either) to Chicago
2. Chicago to down the street in Chicago when the building went condo
3. Chicago back to Wisconsin trying to be closer to a loved one
4. Wisconsin to Wheeling
5. Wheeling to the destination on now Arlington Heights.

Now I'll be moving again in the next few months. I'm staying with a friend until the house sells rent free, then were going to rent a place together. That will be more 'permanent' ... well a few years anyway. I'm SICK of moving, I'll tell you I'll NEVER do the 3rd floor again in a walk up or otherwise at this point. My arms and legs KILL. Chris was my savior in this situation since I really didn't know who to call to help.

I don't see much of my 'friends' with my schedule so I didn't want to just call them to ask them to help move. I really have GOT to do something about that. out there if your reading this.....I miss you. Call me, you know damn well I'll forget.

So, other than that, boring work, boring life, boring DawnCandy. Remember when I was fun?
Member? Remember when I used to have late nights and early mornings with some of the
most interesting people in Chicagoland. Wow....lots can change in a few years. Beth you know what I'm talking about. I'll bounce back, I always do.

So, it's a blah day...that's nearly over. Only good news I've had lately is the contact from old friends on MySpace....Although that does just remind me my 10 year is coming up. Damn....10 years....that's another whole post...wait for it....

....wait for it....

1 Say what you will...:

TFK said...

I totally would've helped you move...assuming i was in town during knwo you can always call me(and i'm done being a 'hermit')