Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Getting serious for a moment.....

I have determined I sometimes really don't like people too much....

...not all people just most.

Ok, maybe don't like is harsh, considering what the rest of the post will be about. But I can tell you I don't understand how our society thinks now-a-days. Now everyone has their opinion and I respect that, why can't others respect others just the same.

People do and choose different ways of life for a reason. Some things just aren't a choice.

I myself am a straight girl who happens to be a ridiculously independent work-a-holic. I'm liberal, with conservative tendencies. I don't believe in organized religion, but I believe there is a higher power. I believe in Karma...A LOT, what goes around comes around if you like it or not. I also think there's a reason for each and every one of us to be on this planet. We all have a goal, once accomplished, we move on. No one's goal is set in stone, but it's out there.

Now I have MANY friends and family that beat to the tune of a different drummer. My mom is VERY Catholic, my father, a un-religious recovering alcoholic turned work-a-holic. (you wonder where I get it from)

One brother with a wife, 2 kids, a cat, and a crazy big house. Another, living across the country served in the armed forces, and just happens to be gay. (now that takes guts!)

One sister with the 'perfect' husband and a stay at home mom. Another sister who lives an alternative lifestyle and works with kids with disabilities.

One friend in college and working full time to pay their way through life at the same time trying to reach a goal. Another, a full time student riding on their parents money.

One friend hell bent on getting married to someone they love. Another hell bent on NEVER getting married.

One friend with more tattoos and piercing than you can shake a stick at....but I don't advise it cause you might get caught in a ring or two. Another believes your body is a temple and any kind of damage done will damage your Karma.

I love them all equally. Some I've known my whole life, some I'm just getting to know, but they are all like family to me. I look at people no matter how strange an unusual I think they may be as a new experience for me to learn from.

Just because someone is gay doesn't mean I have to be because I'm related or am friends with them. That's THEIR lifestyle. Or just because someone was fortunate enough to be born into money doesn't mean they should be cast off as the 'rich bitch'. Or even just because someone doesn't work as much as I do doesn't me they don't put their all into what they do choose to do.

Now don't get me wrong. There are exceptions to EVERY rule. That's how we came up with stereotypes in the first place. Some rich kids are brats, some gay people are not the nicest people in the world, some married couples aren't as happy as they appear. Some people's religions do help them cope with everyday life. But honestly there are opposite to all of those stereotypes.

You have to learn to accept people for who they are and understand that you may or may not like things about them. Hell, I can't think on one person I know that I like EVERYTHING about. Including myself. Just remember it's all about learning. Everyday you get up and walk out into the world is a learning experience.

You don't have to agree with people's choices in life. You don't even have to like them. Just remember they have NO effect on how you live your life.

Their are people out there who live an alternative doesn't effect you what so ever. They aren't coming into your house and snatching your children to make them gay. They aren't 'recruiting' for the other side. They are simply trying live their lives and trying to be HAPPY.

Their are people out there who are crazy religious...and some just regularly religious. Yes, the their are the one's who knock on your door and recruit, but when you kindly say no thank you, they move on....they don't egg your house or burn crosses in your yard because you weren't interested. They would rather be invited in one house out of a thousand for that one person who wants to listen the 999 that could care less.

I've even heard many times over the years....why haven't you gotten married yet....well frankly, I haven't met 'that' guy yet. Not to mention, what's so perfect about marriage anyway. It will in no way 'complete' me as a person. It will only re-enforce my love and want to spend the rest of my life with someone else. But, I don't knock the people who are married. Good or bad. Trust me my folks have been through some ROUGH times. I look at them in awe of the fact they've been married for 30 years! How often do you hear that now?!

Ok, before I get totally out of control (or is it too late) my point is....listen people, just listen! You may learn a little something. You may actually like that 'rich bitch' or that 'raging homo'. Really, you could ... trust me STRANGER THINGS HAVE HAPPENED!!!

Open you mind to new opportunities. It's fun to get to know people. Try it you may like it. I promise it doesn't hurt.

0 Say what you will...: