Wednesday, June 23, 2004

....Been chillin' at the Holiday Inn....(ok, I lie, it was the Excel Inn)


So as my favorite Enlishmen and I were preparing for our weekend together (i.e. loading up my car with stuff at the Kohl's parking lot) we were unexpectedly caught by our resident psycho.

Yes, we have been outed! Granted we were kissing cause it looks as though a LOT is coming together with the sepatation of the wife and all, but I don't think either one of us expected to be caught like we were.

It's Wednesday though and everything is ok as far as work goes. I told a few people that I like and respect at work so they wouldn't be offended by hearing via rumor. But all and all Dayne and I are pretty happy we can finally call each other boyfriend/girlfriend out loud without worrying if someone will hear and tell the wrong person.


The Fat Kid had his 21st birthday so were proud that he's all growed up (even if his mom did call and try and make him come home). I do have a video of him riding the bull at Gameworks, but I think the kid ruined his tummy the night before by puking too much so not much drinking ensued. We did have video game playing fun even if everyone else punked out (losers!)

So I'm off (starting tomorrow) to housesit for the next 10 days for my bro who's off to Cali with the wife and kids. I'm not exactly thrilled considering I have to be FURTHER from work than I want to be, but I'll live....and I get to spend a little extra time with Daynecakes. (it still doesn't sound right unless it comes from Matt.) YAY.....I'll keep ya posted...

And in case Beth is me Eric's email address please :)

Love ya baby!

0 Say what you will...: