Monday, January 08, 2007

There are rules you know....

Ok, look people...there are rules. Unwritten as they may be, but they're still there damn it!

I think the one that got broken this weekend could be 'Man Law' as a matter of fact.

Here's the rule: If a guy and/or girl calls/texts you after midnight, they're NOT looking for someone to watch movies with. Standard practice I thought...until this weekend.

See, I have an ex, we've always been 'friends' even after breaking it off and seeking new relationships. So when I get the texts starting around 1am through 230am I don't think twice about it. When he convinces me to leave where I am and drive my asre downtown. My thought? I'm getting some...

Now there's always something nice with sleeping with an don't have the crap that goes along with dating, you know what each other likes, you know there's no commitment in the morning cause that's not what you called for. Believe it or not, even girls look for these things sometimes.

Hey, don't judge, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

What happens when I get downtown to meet him at 3am?

He gives me the girlfriend speech.

WHAT?!?!?! Are you serious? I just left my friends in a bar to drive downtown so you could say 'Hi' cause you missed me? Miss me at 7pm, not 3am damn it, there's rules about late night phone calls. Really, don't you think he'd be pissed if I made him come out by me at 3am to cuddle! I think I may need to get a copy of the 'Man Law' book to him cause he just broke at least 3 rules in that book I'm sure of it.

Now it's Monday and I'm just cranky and aggravated. Remind me the next time he calls ... don't answer!

1 Say what you will...:

Anonymous said...

talk about gender role reversal