Friday, January 05, 2007

The theme for 2007?

No Regrets....

Now I've lived my life by this theme, no regrets...but we've all had some now and then haven't we?

Life is such a roller coaster. Sometimes we go for the moment, sometimes we over think every moment we live. This year I'm going to try and make it a point to try NOT to over think so many moments.

This will be rough with my restless mind syndrome and all....but I'm off to a good start. I spent New Years Eve with a couple of co-workers, something I wouldn't normally do considering my 'work' side and my 'out in public' side are 2 DIFFERENT people. I have no shame, those of you who know me know that, but still there are somethings you just don't want in the work place.

And then came the co-workers friend....who made me remember that I don't give a funk! Life is FILLED with 'moments' but it's only the moments you were you get up and get a little crazy are the ones that make a memory. I love those moments. The moments that make people go...what?! or I would never do that! are the moments that keep my life going. Now I know some of you would never in a million years do some of the things I don't think twice about, and that's ok. And I know people read deeper into my moments than what they really are.....and that's ok too. People are going to think what they think of me regardless. I do know the people who have taken the time to get to know me love me because I'm not afraid to have a little craziness in my life.

Life IS worth living people. You just have to remember to live it. So go on get out there, give a stranger a lap dance. Strip down and get in the hot tub naked with friends. Get in your car and drive until your lost and go to a bar there and show them how you get down on the dance floor! Do it, just do it. You'll be surprised how good it feels once your done.

0 Say what you will...: