Friday, August 06, 2004

.....yeah-a, alright we'll spend the night together, wake up and live forever.

Damn! I haven't updated in a while! I think it's because I'm so busy at work I almost forgot I had a can one forget! It's like I turned into Kivi for a moment!

Well, Gary was nice enough to comment in my blog that it popped into my email and I remembered, damnit girl you need to blog. You set it up to relieve it damn it!

In answer to your question Gary...I'm not sure what kind of hobby I'm looking for. You see the man in my life goes to the track on Saturdays to ride his dirtbike. (While I'm serving tables for 10 hours....Nice) It's something he REALLY enjoys and it relieves a lot of stress for him. It got me to thinking that I really need something to relieve the stress in my life.

Right now, riding the El for hour would be a little difficult since I have only one day a week to myself ... and to myself I mean I don't have to go to work. Lately Dayne and I have been spending a lot of time going to a local park finding a quiet spot to lay out a blanket and spend the day reading, drinking beer, and being alone with each other..... and it's wonderful. But those moments are few and far between.

I could tell you my hobby is playing and electronic handheld solitaire game at night when I get home, but that could make me a loser. (take my advice people DON'T pick up one of these games! They are highly addicting, it may be harder to give up the solitaire than it was to give up the coke problem I had.) I could tell you my hobby is drinking beer, but that would make me an alcoholic. I could tell you my hobby is being intimate with my boyfriend, but that's more of a necessity than a hobby.

I don't have a knack for drawing or painting (although I love art....) I don't have a knack for writing (although I blog) I don't have a death wish so riding is out of the question (besides the boys might have a heart attack if I showed up with them) I just need something to take my mind off the day.

Dayne can tell you for this, I stress about EVERYTHING. I'm stress about his get together for his birthday, I'm stressed about work, I'm stress about finances, I'm stress about a place to live, I'm stressed about having to make it through today, I'm stressed about going to the white trash fair with my family this weekend (that's the Wisconsin State Fair for you non-locals) I'm pretty much on edge ALL the time. That's why Dayne and I make a great couple. He NEVER stresses unless it's about work, and about twenty minutes after he's left's gone. I want that power. Maybe I can make my hobby the ability not to have to plan EVERYTHING to a tee. But I doubt that will happen.

Ok, I have to start work now......I'll come back later when it quiets down and write some more since I haven't written in awhile.


0 Say what you will...: