Monday, July 14, 2008

So..what's going on?

Basically not much.

I had my 'day of doctors' the other day. First up every girls favorite yearly visit...The OGBYN. I love mine. I've been going there for 15 years pretty much and every time I go he makes me laugh so hard. Of course he always gives me the 'Dad lecture' about safe sex which is always fun but then there was this conversation:

Doctor: Ok, scoot down here a bit, well your cervix looks awesome.

Me: Did you just describe my cervix as 'awesome'?

Doctor: I believe I might have.

Me: I believe I'm going to have to put that on my resume.

Most would be put off by these things, I personally thought it was hilarious and felt the need to call Nikki when I left.

Then I went to my new PCP (primary care physician). It was my first time meeting him and I've been through a couple of doctors in the last few years TRYING to find one that will listen to me about my issues so I was a little sceptical. Alex goes to the same doc and seems to really like him so I gave it a shot.

I LOVED him. While I sat and went on and on about my problems with anxiety and sleep and blah blah blah, I actually started to cry. Surprisingly enough, then he did too! Not sobbing tears, but tears....I was shocked and slightly thrilled.

Why thrilled? Because it meant for the first time a doctor is ACTUALLY listening to me about my issues. Instead of handing me a number for a shrink he sat and talked to me about what we could do to fix it. Step by step, not all at once.

To be honest I'm a little scared....scared this is literally going to cost me a fortune I won't be able to afford and then the help will stop AGAIN before it even gets started. He gave me a script for sleep meds, and apparently I need more sun cause I have a vitamin D and K deficiency, but I can't afford to fill the script or get any vitamins till Wednesday when I get paid, so technically Thursday. I figure I don't go back in till a week from Friday so I suppose being a few days behind isn't so bad. We'll see....

On a happier note, I've decided to go running after work a few nights a week that I get off at a decent hours. There's an awesome park by me for it so I'm kinda killing 2 birds with one stone. Weight loss and vitamins (from the sun of course)

I also found out a friend of mine (Mike) is coming home from Iraq in August, WooT! (I also discovered I can chat with him online so that's been my laughter for this evening...Thanks Mike.)'n ladies he likes long walks on the beach AND spooning!!

Also my friend Eric is coming home from Iraq in October. From the looks of it, him and his wife might start trying for a family then! I'm thrilled! They will be such great parents.

My sister is due with Cody in Cali any minute now...ok 6 days, but it's her second, so I say any day now. Since Mike and Mer are the best parents I know they will do amazing with their family of soon to be 4 so I'm doing a little happy dance for them!(she will kill me for this pic though)

The little sis, Becky, will be coming in from the west coast too in October for a wedding. Guess who's going to be her date so I can spend some time with her? ME!! YIPPEE!!! I can hardly wait! At least at this wedding she can drink legally! :)

Other than that, life is a little boring. I'm working and living as much as possible, and for the most part, I can't ask for much more than the great friends and family I've got! Lucky girl I am...and Mike just named me the most beautiful girl on myspace **cough..LIAR..cough** but it's a title I'll gladly hold (since it was an awesome compliment) until someone tries to take it from me. Mike, I've been meaning to ask. Where's my crown and sash? Do we have to 'fight' again?

0 Say what you will...: