Monday, August 13, 2007


Ok, people! You GOT to talk to me here! What the F! When did it get this far out of control!?

I just caught myself in profile in the mirror in the bathroom at work, ummm....SCARY! I didn't realize how fat I really looked! I do like like the chunky fat Italian girl, and don't tell me otherwise, I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES.

I threw out my back recently, but today, BACK in the gym, and I'm not stopping until at LEAST 20 lbs have dropped from my fast arse! I also started my weight watchers back up today to track what I'm eating, and guess what, I'm such a porker at 130 I only have 5 points left AND I didn't eat lunch. I gotta quit that munching....

0 Say what you will...: