Monday, October 30, 2006

MySpace rant....

Stop, just STOP!

Seriously, who ARE these people?

You all know exactly who I'm talking about. The random people that email you on MySpace with fabulous lines like....

"You're beautiful, wanna chat? Love ya...."

Really you love me? You don't even KNOW me?

"I'd love to hit it sometime if you interested."

What in the HELL would make you think I'm interested? Is it my profile pic? Just to let you know, that's ART people by a pretty famous artist...Bounce!

"I hope you life is exciting, if not hit me up"

Are you kidding? Pound sand loser....

"U B one slammin' bitch, we should hook up"

Yes, these are ACTUAL quotes people. Why are you emailing me in text by the way? Those extra letters too hard to type? If you can't hold a conversation without using an extreme amount of slang, that includes everything from hillbilly to hip-hop....I'm not interested.

Just FYI if you have a monster truck on your page, are posing with a shirt with the sleeves ripped off, have a gay ass screen name like 'Domino' or 'The Man' or have a quote like, 'I'll make you scream' or '#1 Ladiesman' and I don't know you to know it's a joke, believe me I'm not going to email you back.

Just to mention it while I'm on the subject, stop requesting to be my friend if I don't know you. I don't just 'randomly' accept friends. You're NOT a 'friend' if I don't know you....stop asking. If you WANT to be my friend, send me an intelligent email that does not ask me to AIM you, or give me your phone number on the first email and MAYBE just MAYBE I won't think your a total freak.

Alright, I'm done.....

....and to that 'someone I've never met before' and you know who you are, stop asking about anal never stood a chance.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


WHAT THE?! Yeah, that's what I said! It's all explained below:

What a week. Let's just say it was definatley a 'trip'.

I had a really, really crappy week at work and decided to cure it with alcohol on Friday. Getting myself in to trouble as usual. Note to self: Don't pound alcohol if you haven't eaten all day.

Saturday I nursed a minor hangover and decided it would be best of I stayed IN the house since I already caused enough trouble :)

Sunday, got up early and went to the gym. As I was leaving the gym I got a text from Liz, her Grandfather passed. From knowing Liz I'm sure that her Grandfather was a great man with a beautiful soul. I wish her whole family my deepest sympathies.

Today I found a picture on MySpace of my best friend Eric proposing to his girlfriend. That's what the picture is above, DON'T FREAK :). I'm totally shocked since I haven't even met her yet. But I'm SO happy for him. He deserves the best, and from what I've heard from him ... she's the best. I'm excited to actually hear from him now....AND I'D BETTER! :) CONGRATS!!!

Anyway, just catching you all up on the life....