Sunday, June 25, 2006

Exactly when....

do we grow up? When is that moment we have to start conducting ourselves as adults and stop taking as many chances as we did when we were kids?

You know what I'm talking about. When we were younger we went at situations without thought or fear. Now that we're older there's an entire thought process behind everything we do from the time we get up in the morning till the time we go to bed at night. Sometimes even in our dreams we over think things.

When did this happen? Why is it at 28 I'm looking for those no thought moments in life? The fly by the seat of my pants moments were nothing matters at that very moment other than exactly what's happening? The enjoyment of the moment that were in.

Instead we take those moments and over analyze them to the fullest extent. There's the guilt, the pain, the consequences of our actions, the thoughts on who we might hurt, or who might hurt us. This is exactly the reason I can't open myself up to people. I prefer to have many fleeting moments of excitement, than the mundane of the over thought process.

I think like a man. I don't see anything wrong with casual sex, or the occasional hook up with someone who isn't exactly Mr. Right....or even Mr. Maybe, just someone who makes you laugh and you feel a hard attraction to that person. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal who can get dressed up and go out when she needs to. I'm nearly 30, I don't want kids....hell I'm pretty sure I don't even want to get married in this day in age. I just want to be able to have those moments where I feel like a kid again.

Is that so wrong?

0 Say what you will...: