Most of the things in this test were done with YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
You Are a Very Bad Girl |
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Everyday wonders, aggervations, vents, rants, raves, and whatever else I can think of.....
Most of the things in this test were done with YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
You Are a Very Bad Girl |
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Posted by Just Dawn at 7:41 PM 1 Say what you will...
I'm cool with this, except I don't have a closet full of clothes.....I'd better get working on that!!
You Are Most Like Carrie! |
![]() Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year... Totally different from any guy you've dated. |
Posted by Just Dawn at 7:39 PM 0 Say what you will...
do we grow up? When is that moment we have to start conducting ourselves as adults and stop taking as many chances as we did when we were kids?
You know what I'm talking about. When we were younger we went at situations without thought or fear. Now that we're older there's an entire thought process behind everything we do from the time we get up in the morning till the time we go to bed at night. Sometimes even in our dreams we over think things.
When did this happen? Why is it at 28 I'm looking for those no thought moments in life? The fly by the seat of my pants moments were nothing matters at that very moment other than exactly what's happening? The enjoyment of the moment that were in.
Instead we take those moments and over analyze them to the fullest extent. There's the guilt, the pain, the consequences of our actions, the thoughts on who we might hurt, or who might hurt us. This is exactly the reason I can't open myself up to people. I prefer to have many fleeting moments of excitement, than the mundane of the over thought process.
I think like a man. I don't see anything wrong with casual sex, or the occasional hook up with someone who isn't exactly Mr. Right....or even Mr. Maybe, just someone who makes you laugh and you feel a hard attraction to that person. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal who can get dressed up and go out when she needs to. I'm nearly 30, I don't want kids....hell I'm pretty sure I don't even want to get married in this day in age. I just want to be able to have those moments where I feel like a kid again.
Is that so wrong?
Posted by Just Dawn at 6:07 PM 0 Say what you will...
I just wanted to say thank you to all of my friends and family who have supported me through this lastest break up of mine.
....although it was for the best, it still hard to get through and as usual, I'm just throwing myself into the job, so if you haven't heard from's becasue I'm terribly busy right now.
As the saying goes, breaking up is hard to do.
Posted by Just Dawn at 6:16 PM 0 Say what you will...
For anybody out there that cares, after nearly a year, Chris and I broke up last night.
My Dad used to joke that my song was 'Another One Bites the Dust' by Queen. Today I heard that song 4 times. I'm pretty sure that joke is coming true.
I loved him, I did. It was hard, but mutual. We're both at different times in our lives right now and while he needs to 'grow up' a in a sense, I need to grow up in another. I have a lot of things going on. A lot of change on my plate, besides the newly single life again.....and the quitting of my second job. I have a lot of emotional things to deal with.
I'm getting better. It's a slow and steady process that I'm trying to remember is not going to be an overnight fix. That's hard when you have an anxiety problem. Slow and steady wins the race though.
For now I'm going to concentrate on my summer. Summer of weekends off and relaxation! I might even have some fun :)
Posted by Just Dawn at 7:58 PM 1 Say what you will...
So last weekend I moved.....AGAIN.
That would make 6 times in 3 years. Don't be jealous! I swear this is my last time for at least 2 to 3 years. It's TOO much for me, and my anxiety problem.
This time was just that much more fun....
First, since the guy who bought the house I was living in was an ass...we officially had 15 days to find a place to live and clear out the old house. Not an easy task considering there was 25 years of accumulated stuff in there. Now I just about done packing the week before we moved. My roommate not exactly as anal as I I was 'freaking' so to speak.
Second, we didn't actually get a place to live until about 6 days before we had to move.
Third, on the Saturday before the move I came down with what I now think was a mild case of food poisoning. I spent most of the day moving things to the new place, and throwing up.
Fourth, the HOTTEST day of the year...with humidity over a 100 degrees, we had to move all of this STUFF to the new place on the second floor. Did I mention I had food poisoning? NOT fun.
Fifth, we're on the second floor. Our couch was NOT getting up the stairs. No if's and's or but's about it. So since I had enough boys here....we ended up having to launch it over the balcony with the aid of a tow rope. Did I mention my anxiety problem at this point.
Sixth, I decided to go to a party with Chris since I was so wound up I needed a break. The next morning we went to go drop of his daughter so we could get back here and I could get going on the house. To bad his ex wasn't on my same schedule since she was more than an hour late! I didn't get back here till late afternoon, so not much got done.
I was 'interesting' to say the very least. I spent most of the week with Heather unpacking and getting our stuff in order. Now we finally have a house to speak of. I even went to the grocery store to day so we could have REAL food in the house instead of take out.
Good news is....I quit my 2nd job. FINALLY! After 4 years at the restaurant it's time for a little 'me' time. I haven't had a summer to myself in nearly 12 years. I think I deserve it. Actually I KNOW I deserve it. I'm excited to see what the summer brings.
I also got to go out with an old friend this week. Rob and I went to high school together. We met up again at the reunion. We had dinner and talked till nearly 2:30 in the morning. I'm pretty sure after catching him up on my life the last few years, he thinks I'm crazy.....
....but all of my friends figure that out eventually. That's why they love me.
So, now I have a new house, and a new life beginning. I'll be sure to keep you posted on all the exciting events. I can blog more now that were settled in the new place, so watch for me. :)
Posted by Just Dawn at 4:08 PM 0 Say what you will...