Friday, November 04, 2005

Last weekend

Strange things happen to me when I go out. I should know better....

So last weekend was Halloween, wasn't planning on going out, but got bored and decided to go to a party I was invited to.

apparently it was 'boobs on parade' night, and I did NOT get the memo, but I made due. After a while I felt the itch to dance a bit with others, so I did. Next thing I know I'm the only one dancing with others watching...not strange or new, happens sometimes...

Well I was kinda diggin the music, a little industrial remixs of 80's songs by groups like KMFDM and Lords of Acid, so I started discussing the music with the guy that brought it.

20 minutes later the 'strangeness' begins.

Out of NOWHERE he says ... we should be fu*@ing by now....

my response....ummm...WHAT?

I blow it off and continue to talk. By the THIRD...YES THIRD time he says it. I say, did you not hear me the first two times, I'm pretty sure my boyfriend wouldn't like that too much AND I'm positive I'm not interested.

He says to me (READY...) My wife doesn't care, she's sitting 20 feet from you.

Now my head is screaming run now! But there's no where to go, his wife then comes over and says, hon, are you staying or leaving.


He got up to talk to her and go to the washroom, and I BOOKED.

Sorry, thanks for inviting me to your party, but I didn't need the invite into the drama.

1 Say what you will...:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »