Monday, October 11, 2004

Ladies and gents for you reading pleasure I'd like to present to your reading pleasure......

(although wishful thinking cause I'll be hearing about them again and again and again....)
1. The election. Although this one will only last till November (hopefully if we don't have a repeat of 4 years ago.) I'm really sick of hearing about John, John, George W., and Dick. Thank god the presidential election is only every 4 years. If I had to hear about this shite every year....I'd be thrownin' the boob tube out the window. There's only one thing I have to say about the election....GET YOUR DAMN RELIGION OUT OF MY GOVERNMENT! There done. Now move on!
2. The Scott Peterson case. Isn't this whole judicial system thing based on the whole right to a speedy trail aspect? I don't see a year (or is it two?) as being speedy. Murder case in Chicago 3 days, 1 week tops...Murder case in Cali....3 years. Don't get it, not at all. Just get on with it. Guilty or Innocent, Sentencing, DONE! It's not that hard, I'm sure there are some people on this damn case that have seen Law & Order, take some queues!
3. Hurricane anything. Stop, just stop. I don't want to see on the news anymore people standing in line for tarps because there room is gone, estimated damage of the storms, how shocked people are that there houses on the ocean were destroyed during hurricane season. Granted I feel for the people who lost homes or loved ones. But come on you have to admit by the third one you were kinda chuckling a bit. I mean come on what are the chances of that many hurricanes hitting one place so close together. And how stupid were the residents to be shocked there are hurricanes during hurricane season. Not to mention the fact that who didn't think it was funny to watch a bunch of dumbass reporters feel the need to stand outside in the middle of a hurricane to report. But I'm done...don't want to hear anymore....
4. Michael Jackson's child moslestation case. Ok, granted the guys is off...WAY off. But I suppose if you lived in a place called the Neverland Ranch you'd be a little off too. Do I believe MJ molested little boys? Not really, he may have acted a too affectionate but honestly I don't think he realizes what he's doing when he is that affectionate. I mean seriously, his nose fell off cause he didn't realize what he was doing to himself. But regardless, if he did or didn't do it he needs help, LOTS. I don't want to see it anymore, on the news, Emeniem videos, cartoons, or bad joke emails. It's sad that man with so much talent went down hill mentally, and it's even sadder if these poor children WERE molested for obvious reasons.
5. ANYTHING about Britney Spears her wedding or her stupid white trash husband. I don't give a crap if she's funkin' up her life....nuf said.
6. Reporting about reality T.V. shows, like 'The apprentice' and 'Survior'. First of all, let's point out there's no REALITY in reality T.V. Now 'Cops' showed the reality of drunk white trash in ripped wife beaters with their uncombed mullets stubbleing along the sidewalk bloody cause he and the wife got into it. THAT'S reality. Putting me on an island and making me do stunts for prizes, that' s not reality that's an on location game show.
7. Martha Stewart. Granted I laughed when she was being charged. I hate Martha Stewart...her voice makes me feel as though I'm going into seizure. But following the whole trail, the decision, the decision not to appeal, seeing which jails she was picking from, seeing which jail she got into, and last nite was the 'how have Martha's first days been'. SHUT UP ALREADY! That women does not deserve this much attention, FOR ANYTHING!
And for now I'm leaving...I've gotten myself worked up!!!
*I'm a lair, were busy at work....I'll be back with more.

0 Say what you will...: