Saturday, May 01, 2010

One can only post when ....

Last night Ken and I had a conversation on doing things in your life that you love, and loving what you do.

In this conversation I realized there's not too much in life I LOVE to do.

Which brings me to the question, what do you love in life? What balance's you out?

Now, please don't get me wrong, I have things that I love in my life. My family, friends, and of course Ken, but this question isn't about the other people and the joy they bring you, but what makes you happy when you have no one else around?

3 Say what you will...:

Anonymous said...

Well-written blog.

Anonymous said...

While not everybody can do what they love for a job, most everyone can certainly love what they do! Because loving what you do is about an attitude. It’s about finding the positive in what you do and focusing on that. Although it is not always easy, it is possible. And when you do work for the love of it, you will serve as an inspiration to those around you.

Katell said...

I have a necklace, and wrote on the one side :

Live the life that you love

ad the other side

Love the life that you live

Sometimes we are to realist I think to choose the possibility that make us really happy, and we are staying in the confort but maybe it is not the best choiche?