Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Yes, I know I've been missing in action.

Like I said before I was trying to find myself. Still looking to tell you the truth.

I'm sleeping again, with the aid of medication. It's a good thing and it's helping a little. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing most of my day wasting it on things like 'sleep'. Honestly, I used to have twice as much day. Now I have sleep. My body craves to sleep now all day, but of course with my hours, that's impossible.

The anxiety meds...well, I'm giving the some more time. So far, well I don't really feel better or worse. Just lethargic. But things like that take time to work so I'm going to give it some more time before I just give up on it.

On a happier note, my sister Meredith, and her husband Mike, and their new baby Logan were in town this week. Logan is the CUTEST thing ever, ok I'm biased but really he is. My family got to see him crawl for the first time this week which just make the trip out here so much better. It's nice to share such a moment with family.

Yesterday was my brother and my dad's birthday. Happy Birthday Rich and Pops. I hope it was a good one, even if it was on a Monday... :)

And finally, my high school reunion is this weekend. TFK is going to be my DD for the night. My best friend from high school, Nikki, and I are going together. TFK insists on wearing a button that says I was born in 1983 just for the humor factor. Yeah, whatever Kivi.....don't be jealous.

I'll fill you in on the details after this weekend.

....well, maybe I will.....

0 Say what you will...: