Friday, October 21, 2005

And sadness enters....

For those of you who haven't heard.....

My grandfather, Ronnie Smith, passed yesterday at 8:10am.

For those of you who met him, you know he was one of the quirkiest, stubbornness, thrifiest, and FINEST men you will ever meet.

He had a lot of love in his heart, enough for even those who didn't express it back. Through the years of toughing out 8 years of cancer, he keep hope in his heart, love on his mind, and goodness in his soul. He would've done anything for anyone, even if he didn't have it to give he would give you the last dollar he had if it would've helped you. He lived through 8, nearly 9, decades and saw more in his lifetime than most of us can think of seeing in two.

The doctors named him the Energizer Bunny due to his living through 3 types of cancer, and still kickin'. But in the end, his heart just couldn't hold so much love anymore and finally let his soul go in peace.

My grandfather is now reunited with the only women he ever loved. I wish I had the chance to say goodbye to him, but I'm sure he knows we were all there in spirit.

I'll miss you Grandpa.

I love you.

0 Say what you will...: